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Monday, March 16, 2009

Magnetic Water - Is It For Real?

In this article I will try to explain how magnetic water works. First, I’ll talk about whether water can be magnetised or not, then a quick review of the possible health benefits you can gain from drinking magnetic water and finally the easiest and most effective method to magnetize water.

Can water be magnetised?

Many of us understand our basic need to drink clean, healthy water. But what actually is healthy water, and why do we need it?

We are over 70% water. All our biological functions including circulation, digestion, absorption, and excretion depend on water. Water is required for blood, the lymphatic system, and healthy skin and muscles. Doctors, scientists, researchers and natural healers all agree that drinking enough water on a daily basis can help maintain good health and likely help fight disease. Most experts advise drinking at least a litre of water a day to assist in maintaining healthy skin and properly functioning kidneys, bowels, and circulation.

Water is Paramagnetic meaning that it holds a magnetic charge.Paramagnetism occurs primarily in substances in which some or all of the individual atoms, ions, or molecules possess a permanent magnetic dipole moment. Water has a dipole moment and is, therefore, subject to paramagnetism. (At the University of Tokyo researchers were able to make water levitate using magnets (Source: NATURE . Ikezoe, N. Hirota, J. Nakagawa and K. Kitazawa, Making water levitate, Nature 393 (1998) 749-750).

Again, water molecules are dipolar. Since opposite electrical charges attract, water molecules tend to attract each other (Kegley and Andrews, 1998). Water in living systems naturally gathers into structures of 14, 17, 21, 196, 280, or more molecules (Mikesell, 1985; Davis, 2004). The bottom line is that structured or ionised or magnetised water can be formed using magnets (Mikesell, 1985).

There is a long history of the promotion of magnets to improve the quality and health benefits of water. Researchers found that when a permanent medical magnet is kept in contact with water, the water gets magnetically charged and acquires magnetic properties. Such magnetically treated water affects the human body when taken internally and regularly for a considerable period of time (Lam, 2001). Also, when water is magnetically treated, more hydroxyl (OH-) ions are created to form alkaline molecules, and reduce acidity. Normal water has a pH level of about 7, whereas magnetized water tends to be more alkaline.

Research has shown that it is possible to regenerate water to its original healthy state by magnetizing it. It is now clear that water has a very definite structure. A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom. Because of the electron configuration of the molecule the hydrogen atoms tend to attract other water molecules resulting in the formation of clusters which can contain anywhere from four to hundreds of water molecules each.

Some very exciting research done in Hungary has shown that these clusters actually have a memory and can remember and carry an imprint of the magnetic energy they have been exposed to either simply from the earth’s magnetic field or through flowing over paramagnetic rock. It is the fact that this memory is destroyed on the way to the tap which renders our drinking water lifeless. (Zhalko-Tytarenko, Olga, et al. Endogenous electromagnetic field influence on the free energy of hydrogen bond formation in water. 2nd Advanced Water Sciences Symposium, Dallas, Texas, October 4-6, 1996. Proceedings, pp. 23-27 ).

The health benefits of drinking magnetic water.

Magnetized water is claimed to be energy-building, activating, cleansing and detoxifying. There are reports of people resolving bladder problems, recovering quickly from a stroke, alleviating arthritis pain and reducing blood pressure by drinking magnetized water. It is perhaps reasonable to assume that if scientific studies on animals have proven that magnetized water has health benefits, then it should also be beneficial to humans. However, so far there have been no systematic, clinical trials done to prove or disprove the healing effects of magnetized water in humans. (Gursche, Siegfried and Rona, Zoltan. Encyclopedia of Natural Healing. Alive Publishing, Inc., Burnaby, Canada, 1997, pp. 400- 07 )

Here’s a list of all the claims of the potential benefits of drinking magnetic water:

- Magnetized water tastes sweeter and has more clarity. - Magnetic water promotes a more alkaline pH in the body - Magnetic water promotes healing of wounds and burns - Magnetic water has a therapeutic effect on digestive, nervous and urinary systems - Magnetic water may also be beneficial for fevers, sore throat, menstrual and menopause discomfort. - Magnetic water revitalizes the body - Magnetic water provides positive effect on the autonomic nervous system - Magnetized water has been reported to help regulate the heart function and clear clogged arteries - Magnetic water has been beneficial for kidney ailments, gout, obesity and premature aging - Magnetic water may help relieve pain - Magnetic water infuses energy into the body, controls bacteria, and stimulates brain function.

Whether these claims are true or false remains to be tested by science. It will be decades before the science of magnetized water is fully understood. Those in mainstream medicine may discount magnetized water as "quackery". That in the forefront of magnetic research paints a different story. If one understands and accepts that each of our cells possesses a small magnetic field, as many research studies are now supporting, the logical conclusion that magnetic water has the ability to affect our cells must be taken seriously.

The most efficient way to magnetise drinking water.

I promote using a bipolar magnetic water wand to magnetise water. It is a quick, efficient, simple and cost effective method. Here’s some more data about the water wand.

The magnetic water wand is 14cm (5¾ inch) long and looks like a pen with a ceramic ball at the end. The long lasting, lime scale resistant rhodium coating protects the 2 bipolar, magnets inside, totalling 2300 gauss (230 m Tesla). Because you are actually placing the magnets directly into the water the magnetic field penetrates the water extremely quickly. To magnetise a glass of water (200 - 250 ml), leave the magnetic wand for 10 to 15 minutes. and to magnetise a litre, I recommend leaving the magnetic water wand for an hour.

RememberArticle Submission, you don’t have to drink ONLY water. You can magnetise any cold fluid with the water wand!

Source: Free Articles from


Debbie Shimadry is the managing director of leading alternative pain treatments company Interested in natural healing, visit the magnetic therapy pain relief blog where you can get expert advice from qualified magnetic therapists or visit the Magnetic Therapy Council to learn about magnetic healing.

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